Sunday 4 November 2012


I am so amazed at the giftings inspired within everyone...I simply love the fact that everyone is different and have been blessed with different talents to's all the different things that make us all unique.

I love words...I could sit for hours and just write and write, get lost in a world all
my own.  Often I feel the Holy Spirit will give me a message and the words will flow out onto
the page.  Other times I feel it ..I write it...and there are times where I play with words simply to see
what will happen haha..

Thank you so much to everyone for your positive feedback...may you all be super blessed for there is
gifts and talents birthed within each and everyone God has placed on this earth.  I give all glory
to God for this amazing gift of the pen He has blessed me with.  May you shine in your own gifting.


  1. You have received a beautiful gift my friend and you use it wisely. I wish everything of the very best on your journey through life. You are my inspiration.

  2. gf you are amazing...I love your passion for life...likewise I to am inspired by you xxx
