Saturday 3 November 2012


Dishevelled and unkept I play this game
A dimensional concept of virtual shame
Navigating this indefinite place
Of a three dimensional space
My mind playing relentless tricks
Adrift in this dimension of the matrix
This free movement of distance
Has weakened my resistance
Powerful in my rule of cybernetics
Reigning over generated robotics...

Youtube - Twitter - Facebook - 'YouTwitFace'
So lost in my world of cyberspace
The only place I want to be
Engrossed in virtual reality
Unconnected with human kind
Entranced in the computered mind
Connotes the concept of geometry
This super defined use of technology
Confusion as how I am to relate
Needing the net to communicate
Essential a cyber shock of spirituality
to counteract the abuse of virtuality
Whatever is foremost on your mind
Is your God redefined...

Exodus 20: 3-4(NIV) "You shall have no other Gods before me. You shall
not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on
the earth beneath or in the waters below"

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