Friday 1 September 2017


I come before you Lord void of
joy and wonder
My mind is darkened and my
heart asunder
When you look down upon me
what is it that you see?
This dwarfed mortal amid the
mass of the galaxy
I cannot comprehend the vastness
beyond this earth
Yet you lavish your love in my
self worth
If it is true that before time I was
with you
Then I pray Father help me to 
do all I am expected to do
When I see the happenings about this 
earth that you gaze upon
I am broken at the hate and question
where I belong
Your Magnificence exudes human
expectation Lord
I pray then help me once again feel 
what it is like to be adored
For in this hell - blossom radiates
from the smile of a child
Yet fear reigns in my heart in this
crazy world gone wild
The future of such an innocent being
is daunting
The fear of what tomorrow holds is
Hold me close Father let me know
you are near
Release in me a hope that overcomes
this never ending fear...