Friday, 1 September 2017


I come before you Lord void of
joy and wonder
My mind is darkened and my
heart asunder
When you look down upon me
what is it that you see?
This dwarfed mortal amid the
mass of the galaxy
I cannot comprehend the vastness
beyond this earth
Yet you lavish your love in my
self worth
If it is true that before time I was
with you
Then I pray Father help me to 
do all I am expected to do
When I see the happenings about this 
earth that you gaze upon
I am broken at the hate and question
where I belong
Your Magnificence exudes human
expectation Lord
I pray then help me once again feel 
what it is like to be adored
For in this hell - blossom radiates
from the smile of a child
Yet fear reigns in my heart in this
crazy world gone wild
The future of such an innocent being
is daunting
The fear of what tomorrow holds is
Hold me close Father let me know
you are near
Release in me a hope that overcomes
this never ending fear...

Thursday, 24 August 2017


Drifting through the cracks of
the unhibited
Into a black mass of self
Venturing in so deep fear
has taken the lead
Nothingness is all that's left
a sorry sight indeed
Wandering aimlessly into the
This place where even gravity
is homeless
Feelings of offense unwarranted
yet cutting soo deep
Flashing through my mind every
hurt yet still I sleep
Sleeping - Drifting - through the
cracks into the vastness
A distant sound of my name
being called
Far far away yet I hear my name
being called
A sudden jerk and I'm completely
I closed my eyes but for a second
embracing the break
Realization as to the repercussions
fatigue can birth
Questioning the validity of my
self worth
I gain full composure and take
every thought captive
Acutely aware the deeper I sunk
the outcome massive...

Tuesday, 15 August 2017


Hate is reigning rampage in this
world with little care
The enemy smirks in wonder
he too can just sit and stare
The choice is within us to live and
love with passion
Yet we choose to hate and disregard
our conviction
To stand and fight for what is just
and true
Is to live a Christ like life - that is
what defines YOU!
To build someone up and not
tear them down
Respecting one another and earning
our eternal crown
The enemy's work is little as he
watches us with glee
Playing into his hands by surrendering
our serenity
Hate sets us against each other - Oh
and how it shreds ones heart
Only LOVE can repair the damage of
its counterpart
You have tried it your way and the
end result is doom
Allow Christ entry and ravel in the
mystery as the Holy Ghost fills
the room...

Wednesday, 9 August 2017


A tiny spec in a colossal
Yet monumental in a world
so diverse
The branding of ones own
A yearning to be adrift
in serenity
The dawning of ones
To renew others in Christ
Others that are too a tiny
spec in a colossal universe
Yet monumental in a world
so diverse...

Thursday, 27 July 2017


I enter His courts filled
with dread and shame
Oh how my accusers fuel
the flickering flame
Pointing and shouting they
belittle my being
I shut my eyes to the vile
I am seeing
Lifting my head I focus 
Moving forward ever so
lightly I tread
There He stands in all His
Pleading my case He stands
to fight
I repent my sin and the contract
is torn
I exit the courts and a part of
me is reborn
My accusers are many I 
will deal with them all
I am void of fear as I know
my  intercessor stands Strong
and Tall...

Thank You Jesus

In The Midst Of Life's Trials There He Stands