Letting out a heartfelt sigh the
day is finally over
Gentle snores echo as my loved
ones sweetly slumber
Planting butterfly kisses on
precious little foreheads
I watch as they sleep snuggled
up comfy in their beds
Within minds eye beautiful faces
rest so peacefully
Planting phantom kisses to those
that no longer live with me
Gulping down a sob unable to
control the tears
Silently I weep dread has fuelled
my sudden fears
In the news today a mum has
lost her little boy
As I dwell on her pain I am instantly
void of all joy
For just the mere thought of such
a loss I simply do not know
Death is so final I wouldn't have
the heart to let go
Jesus be with that mum the pain
must be so hard to bare
She sure needs You in her midst
let her feel You near
I am so thankful for all that You
have to give
Permit me not delve in fear let me
not be afraid to live
As I now look upon the man You
have given me
Half a smile lingering he looks so
young and free
Etched around the corners of his
eyes, worrisome lines
Yet so peaceful he sleeps gone is
the days stress and grimes
Thank you Dad for all that is
Help me enjoy every moment for
so short is the time
I'm overflowing with love I could
simply cry
Allow the overflow to spill onto my
enemies so they'll know you're nearby
Let my frustrations not get the best
of me
Lest the blessings bestowed I do
not see
Father thank you for life for health
for wholesomess
Make Your face to shine upon my
loved ones help us walk in
The world may be in turmoil yet
right now all I see
Is the blessing of my family and
that means the world to me...